It’s Not All Love and Light
It’s not all love & light. We need both light work and shadow work to heal individually and collectively in balanced, integrated, realistic ways.
So yes, love and light…
☀️Fully embody your true self without fear.
☀️Shine brightly and freely without dimming your light.
☀️Let the light within you shine radiantly with loving confidence.
☀️Infuse your light in all that you do by acting with pure intentions.
☀️Be present with compassion and hold space for others without judgment.
☀️Spread kindness throughout every interaction possible.
☀️When confronted, choose to respond with patience and understanding.
But also, shadow work is super important…
🌑Use that love and light to navigate the darkness of the shadow.
🌑Allow yourself the space, time, and permission to fully feel, process, and grieve in all the ways you need.
🌑Explore the uncomfortable and hidden aspects of yourself.
🌑Be honest with yourself as you dig deep and ask the tough questions.
🌑Do your deep inner work in whichever ways personally work for you.
🌑Realize that there is no wrong approach to shadow work so long as it leads you towards healing.
🌑Know that any and all work you intentionally put into healing your shadow is enough in that moment. It is hard work; it takes deliberate effort over time.
Love and light are wonderful, but they’re not enough if we aren’t also acknowledging, exploring, and healing our shadows. For more info, read my blog post about soul retrieval.
Do you like this artwork? Check out my It’s Not All Love and Light Artwork page. This art is available for sale on many products: t-shirts, hoodies, dresses, phone and tablet cases, laptop sleeves, posters, prints, pillows, mugs, clocks, tapestries, throw blankets, bath mats, shower curtains, coasters, scarves, tote bags, zipper pouches, water bottles, stickers, greeting cards, spiral notebooks, and hardcover journals.